Verbal ability

1 :

Para Jumbles


Sentence given in each question, when properly sequenced, from a coherent paragraph. The first and last sentences are 1 and 6, and the four in between are labelled A, B, C and D. Choose the most logical order of these four sentences for among the four given choices to construct a coherent paragraph from sentences 1 to 6.

1) Security inks exploit the same principle that causes the vivid and constantly changing colours of a film of oil on water.

A. When two rays of light meet each other after being reflected from these different surfaces, they have each travelled slightly different distances.

B. The key is that the light is bouncing off two surfaces, that of the oil and that of the water layer below it.

C. The distance the two rays travel determines which wavelengths, and hence colours, interfere

constructively and look bright.

D. Because light is an electromagnetic wave, the peaks and troughs of each ray then interfere either

constructively, to appear bright, or destructively, to appear dim.

6) Since the distance the rays travel changes with the angle as you look at the surface, different colours look bright from different viewing angles.









2 :

Para Jumbles


Sentence given in each question, when properly sequenced, from a coherent paragraph. The first and last sentences are 1 and 6, and the four in between are labelled A, B, C and D. Choose the most logical order of these four sentences for among the four given choices to construct a coherent paragraph from sentences 1 to 6.

1) Commercially reared chicken can be unusually aggressive, and are often kept in darkened sheds toprevent them pecking at each other.

A. The birds spent far more of their time—up to a third — pecking at the inanimate objects in the pens, in contrast to birds in other pens which spend a lot of time attacking others.
B. In low light conditions, they behave less belligerently, but are more prone to ophthalmic disorders and respiratory problem.
C. In an experiment, aggressive head-pecking was all but eliminated among birds in the enriched environment
D. Altering the birds’ environment, by adding bales of wood-shavings to their pens, can work wonders.

6) Bales could diminish aggressiveness and reduce injuries; they might even improve productivity, since a happy chicken is a productive chicken.










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